When tomatoes are at their peak of flavor and abundance, this Fresh Tomato Marinara Sauce is the perfect thing to make. I’m quite on board with prepared, organic marinara sauces in general, but there’s really no comparison with making it from scratch with ripe tomatoes.

This Cold Fresh Tomato Soup great way to take advantage of late summer’s sublime tomatoes. This is great for when your garden or CSA share is overflowing with ripe tomatoes and you really need to use them up quick!

Garlic lovers, this sauce is for you! This Luscious Tomato-Garlic Sauce is perfect for summer, when you can get garden-fresh organic tomatoes. It’s delicious served over pasta or polenta.

Pasta with Fresh Tomatoes and Basil is a simple summer dish that will get you out of the kitchen quickly. Make sure to use summer tomatoes at the peak of their flavor, as that’s what this dish is all about! This is a good accompaniment to grilled vegetables; it’s also good with a colorful bean salad.

Classic Tomato Gazpacho is a cold Spanish soup never fails to please—and refresh. It’s a great way to use the delicious tomatoes of summer; in fact, summer doesn’t feel complete if I haven’t made gazpacho at least once or twice.
- For lots more features on healthy lifestyle, explore VegKitchen’s Healthy Vegan Kitchen page.
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